Leinster Hockey Winners

Congratulations to our Senior A Hockey Team who won the Leinster Plate last Friday in Three Rock Rovers. 

Junior Loreto Debates

Congratulations to Mr Kehoe’s two Junior Debates teams who competed all day today in the Inter-Loreto Junior Debates. For many...

Good Luck Aoife Murphy

Good luck to our 2nd Yr Student Aoife Murphy who is competing at the All Irelands Schools Cross Country Championship tomorrow...

Debates and Public Speaking Success

Congratulations to Amelia Scallan (TY), Katie O’Donnell (5th Year) and Lucy Mullins (6th Year) who are through to the semi-finals...

U14 Badminton Success

There were more medals for our wonderful Badminton Players this week. Our U14 A Team won their Dublin Final.  U14...

Loreto Rumbek – Latest Newsletter

Please see the attached link for all the latest news from Loreto Rumbek. Pdf-1

Cross Country Success

Ahead of todays cross country Leinster finals we would like to congratulate our athletes for their success in the recent...


Dear Parent or Guardian Due to the Red Weather Alert tomorrow – all schools will close for the day (Friday...

U19 Dublin Badminton Final

Congratulations to our U19 badminton team who reached the Dublin Final today. The girls came up against a very strong...

Congratulations Senior Debaters

Congratulations to the two Senior Debates teams who came through all three rounds of today’s Inter-Loreto competition to earn their...